
batch script to turn off monitor?

They've successfully turned off my monitor. I know they are the same but which one is better and compatible with all Windows editions?

Command to turn off monitor in Windows 10

Set wParam to 0xF170 (SC_MONITORPOWER). · And set the state of the display in lParam to either 1 (lower power) or 2 (shut off) - though only the ...

How to Shut Off Screen with BAT Script that Actually Closes Itself ...

I'm hoping someone knows a way to run a batch script without the use of PowerShell that turns off the screen & automatically closes.

How to Turn Off Monitor Only on Demand

Double-click Turn Off Monitor Only MajorGeeks.bat. Your screen will now go blank. Another option, shown in the screenshot, is to create a shortcut to the batch ...

How to Turn off your monitor with just 2 clicks

How to Turn off your monitor with just 2 clicks | Use batch file to turn off your monitor #batchfile #windowstipsandtricks #windowstutorials ...

Screen onoff and PIN code

Press Win + P, then select Second screen only. If you don't have a second monitor connected, this will also turn off your laptop's display but ...

Turn off display in Windows on command

On a laptop you can use the keyboard shortcut combination of Fn+F7 (F7 might differ depending on the laptop model) and for a desktop you can always use the ...

Turn off screen : rPowerShell

If I call the bat file form cmd the CTRL+C command does not end it. Just nothing happensk when I press the key combination.

Turn off Screen.bat

To anyone looking to shut off a specific monitor and have it stay off until you physically push the monitor power button, it looks like there is a utility for ...


They'vesuccessfullyturnedoffmymonitor.IknowtheyarethesamebutwhichoneisbetterandcompatiblewithallWindowseditions?,SetwParamto0xF170(SC_MONITORPOWER).·AndsetthestateofthedisplayinlParamtoeither1(lowerpower)or2(shutoff)-thoughonlythe ...,I'mhopingsomeoneknowsawaytorunabatchscriptwithouttheuseofPowerShellthatturnsoffthescreen&automaticallycloses.,Double-clickTurnOffMonitorOnlyMajorGeeks.bat.Yo...

BlackTop 1.0 - 螢幕節能幫手,就是要黑畫面!

BlackTop 1.0 - 螢幕節能幫手,就是要黑畫面!
